Kings Cross Central Development

The King’s Cross Central development is an ongoing 15-year construction plan coordinated by property developers King’s Cross Central General Partner Limited. A commitment was made in the Code of Construction Practice for the project to undertake noise monitoring for the project.
The development at Kings Cross stretches across over 60 acres and 50 new buildings, including new homes, shops, offices, restaurants, schools and a university. Plans for the development began in 2001, with construction beginning in 2008, and is planned for many years ahead.
With a development of this size and extent, the potential impact of noise cannot be overlooked and Sustainable Acoustics are carrying out ongoing noise monitoring to ensure that the residents surrounding the construction site are protected from any unreasonable disturbance.
Baseline surveys were carried out in 2007 and 2008, prior to the start of construction, and we worked closely with the London Boroughs of Camden and Islington to establish suitable limits for the allowable noise levels at the existing homes around the site, and to put in place regular monitoring of the construction noise.
The monitoring consists of a number of permanent monitoring positions and a bi-monthly attended survey across the site to cover the noise levels at the nearest houses and flats to the development.