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Blue Skies
  • Writer's picturePeter Rogers

Carbon Smart Gold Award

Peter Rogers (MD) says "As a small business that works hard to minimise our direct impacts this is a fundamental part of us practising what we preach, and I'm pleased to see that a third party audit confirms that we are well on our way".

This shows that we have made a good start at implementing our principles in practice and specifically that we have improved the quality of our data, with exceptional actions achieved.

The headlines are that the business carbon footprint is 9.3 tonnes per year (around 2 tonnes per head). Electricity usage is down by 5% on the previous year, Gas down by

14% (helped by warm winter), Water usage is down by 4%. Now that we have included business travel we can see that it makes up 35% of our Carbon footprint, coming from cars use as part of our work mainly. 63% is from Electricity.

We aim to use this baseline to measure our progress and plan to publish our first Sustianability report in April 2015, which will set out strategies for reducing this as far as possible, then reporting on progress publically biannually thereafter. 


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